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Currently, there are no courses in my responsibility.

Previously, the following courses were in my responsibility:

1. Quantum Chemistry: The purpose of this course is to give the students an insight into the quantum-mechanical description of chemical bond and spectroscopical properties of atoms and molecules (B.Sc., 2nd year, 5 ECTs).

2. Materials Design: Theoretical Methods: The purpose of this course is to give the students an insight into the concepts and methods of modeling electronic structure of molecular systems and crystalline solids which can be used in designing new functional materials (B.Sc., 3rd year, 5 ECTs).

3. Computational Methods of Quantum Chemistry: The major purpose of the course is to give the students an introduction into the practical use of quantum chemical methods. The course represents an important step from molecular quantum mechanics to day-by-day quantum chemical research. The course is designed primarily for students doing their minor or major projects in Theoretical Chemistry (M.Sc., 5 ECTs).

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